Friday, April 29, 2011

a miniscule rant

I'm feeling oh, so American today in that, I couldn't care less about "the Royal Wedding".
I'm just sad that AOL news isn't working for me, and is only going to a page about Kate's dress, and the kiss, and yadda yadda. I just wanted to read the American *cough* news on America Online. How dare I!!
Okay, I'm done. Don't mind me ;)

PS: I'm totally just gonna start finding pictures of Sailor Moon sharing my expressions. She just gets me. She rocks.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My days just get curiouser and curiouser!


So today. Wow. Interesting day.

1. So I worked from 12:30 to 9:30, and somewhat early on, this guy comes in and starts talking to me about how he's getting married in Ireland, and he wants to learn Gaelic, and Ireland is sooo dangerous, and his family doesn't think he should go there...and he's kind of shouting this to me as he walks throughout the store. It was a little bit awkward, as he was shouting over other people. And then he didn't even buy anything...and he called me "hon". I don't appreciate that!

2. Well, girls who share the "I'm not dating!" viewpoint: I had my first official turning down of someone today. This guy comes in, and stays for an hour and a half talking to me, all the while dropping not-so-subtle hints: "why do you wear that ring on your ring finger? Are you engaged?" me: "noo" him: "well, just a wise tip, you should move it to the other hand so if some guy comes in, he isn't all like 'oh she's taken!" . . . but you gotta understand, it was the way he said it! Then he subtly got my age out of me (I should've lied. But that would've been wrong...) THEN he comes out and asks if I have a boyfriend (I should've lied. But that would've been wrong...) and then I somehow tell him that the manager is my grandmother and he's like "really??? I'm happy I didn't say what I was going to say when she was out here!" And I'm just like "uhhh" and he's like, "which was, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out to get coffee or dinner or something" and I'm like "ooooh." So then he's like "so do you want to?" And I had to go into the explanation of "Well, I'm not dating, I'm only into meaningful relationships ("not that you're not a meaningful person!!" I quickly said), to which he responded "I wasn't gonna be like 'oooh relationship!" but hey, I had to be honest, ya know?? So I was. And then he left to go sit in his car...but he works in the store across from me (I work in a mall) and I could see him walking around and such all night, and felt weird about it. And then I crept on his Facebook page. He's a pretty nice guy! AND he posted a Tenth Avenue North video to his page. *nods head*He gave me his number (eh)...and my grandmother promptly lifted the lid off of the garbage can and made me throw it away (after he was gone, of course). Hahahhaha gotta love her! So whooosh. There's my story of the day! (I don't think I explained it well either...Oh well!)
PS: He totally reminded me of my older brother (my nana thought so too! She even said to me, "he looks like Tyler!!") So there! I mean, he looks/somewhat acts like my brother! Weirddd. Although I have another guy friend who reminds me even more of my brother...mannerisms and everything. It's enough to creep me out sometimes. Ay ay ay. Bizarre.

3. I got to hang out with my future sister in law!!! And her cat of course...and then my brother was there for a short time. But it was lovely! I like her. And I watched the new Alice in Wonderland for the first was soooo bizarre. I really liked the Cheshire Cat though...he was pretty snazzy.

4. I drove home at 12:40 pm. I feel sooo old and priveleged that I won't get in trouble for that anymore (not that I ever did, but it's not allowed in our state to drive past 11 if you're under 18). Also, I feel that there is a suspicious amount of cars out in our teeny tiny town at that time of night...Hmmm.

Okay, that's all! It was an interesting day for me, at least. ;) I have very mundane days usually...

Heh heh!! Hopefully not. Plus, I wish I had a talking unfair!

{pictures via weheartit!}

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Terrrrifical Tuesday! and then some ;)

So I'm linking up with Jocee for having a Terrifical Tuesday!!

My Tuesday was terrifical because...

I got to sleep in a bit. That's always pleasant!

I cleaned the kitchen a bit, which isn't so awesome, but I got to chill out and listen to my headphones as I was doing it. I'm one of those people that needs to be doing an activity of sorts while listening to my it all worked out! (PS: I SO want those headphones!! Ahh!)

It was sooooooooo warm!!! And then it rained a ton, but it was a warm rain, and it made me super happy and cheerful and light and warm and joyous inside :D

The Rescuers Down Under Movie
I finished watching The Rescuers Down Under, which I recently got on DVD! SUCH a terrifying movie. It seems all Disney movies have terrifying moments, I've realized...

I ate smiley fries for lunch. Awwwe yeah.

Small group was tonight, which is always wonderful. Plus, Mrs. Mac, our small group leader, made buffalo chicken dip. Mmmmm!

On the way home tonight, I totally listened to music from Lord of the Rings. It made me feel pretty great. Somewhat epic as well, as I was driving down the dark wooded roads...

So there's my Terrifical Tuesday!! And for those of you who have yet to visit Jocee's blog, please do!! You shan't regret it, I promise! :D

So on my agenda for tomorrow:
  • Finish cleaning the kitchen. Blech. But, I shall remain positive because it gives me quality music time!
  • Hopefully finish reading Romeo and Juliet for school. I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit! I've never read it before now...
  • Clean my room! Ah!! Soo messy. I'm ashamed.
  • Get up early...that would be best.
  • And eventually, go to work, where I shall try my hardest not to add anything to my pile. But hey, I finally narrowed that pile down, and yesterday I went over and bought fifteen books for 40 dollars. Fifteen!! Egads! You all need to move here and come shop with me.
Good night my chickadees!
PS: Welcome to my new followers!! There've been a couple of you these past few days, and it's so lovely to have you here!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

For those who have snagged my button...and a question for blog-savvy people!

Having blonde moments seems to be a specialty of mine.
And thus, I deleted my own blog button. Tsk tsk tsk. And I really liked it too!!
So, I quickly threw a new one together so that you wouldn't have to have one of those ugly "this photo is not available" things on your blogs ;) So here tis, friends! Feel free to re-snag it ;D


Okay, AND you see that big white bar behind my header? Yeah. I don't like it. In fact, it kind of really bugs me. And that's the "transparent" background. Pfft whatever. Can anybody tell me how to fix it???? Pretty please!!! I'll love you forever! :D

Have a good Easter, everybody!

I'm the girl who...

prefers the country to the city (and honestly doesn't even know how to take care of herself in the city), Tumblr_ljsg4iabkk1qhy7v4o1_500_large

is obsessed with pretty pictures, but simply cannot help it! Tumblr_kqspgvpgfb1qze4cao1_400_large

cries when she's sad (and sometimes when she's mad), Tumblr_lk26wimge01qh50evo1_500_large

has always dreamed of going to Ireland (and thinks that her future husband, whoever he is, should totally take me there someday),Tumblr_lgo85ihwff1qzq8eto1_500_large

has a newfound appreciation for giraffes thanks to a somewhat odd book she's reading,Tumblr_ljfq8armub1qh5vwvo1_500_large

who looove shapes macaroni and cheese! Yum! (esp. the Spongebob kind!),Tumblr_ldyziujdm81qevyeao1_500_large

has always been fascinated by going to the zoo, but at the same time depressed by going to the zoo (I just don't think polar bears belong in Pennsylvania, ya know?), Tumblr_ljkm4hiiqy1qe9dyno1_500_large

thinks Leo DiCaprio is just the cutest thing ever, Tumblr_lhf68jko2s1qd72j8o1_500_large

who vaguely remembers being little and getting like, body glitter, eyeshadowy stuff with little stars like this in it (and LOVING it): 20090315104738

who gets spooked way too easily, 75884_10150107220113968_621968967_7330608_6688267_n_large

would joyfully accept a baby raccoon as a little friend (okay, pet) if it was offered to her, 60830_104531776276543_100001591630597_39094_4931242_n_large

wishes we still wore elaborate, beautiful dresses like Scarlett O'Hara,20090608043339

gets butterflies from listening to pretty (or intense) music, Tumblr_lk2l8d4mwz1qg5071o1_500_large

hates jelly beans more than any other candy (maybe more than any other edible item!), 20080925160820

has always wanted a dalmatian, Vixen-the-dalmatian_38163_2009-12-07_w450_large

wouldn't mind living here: Picture+2_large

wonders if she could be as self-sacrificing, and then be truly able to look beyond (some majorly crazy) appearances like Belle, Tumblr_lj1k661x6j1qagy35o1_500_large

is 18 years old and still loves Lisa Frank, Tumblr_lbdw87jpxa1qdl66eo1_500_large

wishes she could draw, Jasmine-disney-princess-9083178-750-1054_large

who just wants to move forward, and let go and let God Tumblr_lidrybmgxn1qe0hneo1_500_large

{pictures via weheartit}

Thursday, April 21, 2011

♥live life with no regrets♥

It's been nearly two years now since the day that changed our big extended family forever.
I remember it all so vividly...And for me, it all began when my dad was driving me to work (at my first bookstore), and told me that my 19 year old cousin Adam was in the hospital; he'd been in a bad car accident. I remember my immediate reaction being "Oh, Adam, Adam" and shaking my head, thinking of my mischievous cousin who always seemed to be getting into trouble. I don't think we realized just how serious it was at that moment, and I went about my night at work (I even remember who I worked with, and that my aunt Emily brought me a mocha from Sheetz) and that was that.

Then of course, after I got picked up and went home, I learned just how bad it was: that he hadn't woken up, and that there were tests being done...the major kinds of tests that put butterflies, or as I've heard it put, rather, pterodactyls in your stomach. My mom, my two aunts and I all went down to the hospital in Pittsburgh where we sat in an eerily quiet waiting room, amongst other friends and family members of Adam's, all joined together in silence, just waiting. I remember we took my other two cousins, Adam's sisters, Stephanie and Becky out to get something quick to eat, and just to have a few moments of air.

By the time we got back, the tests hadn't been completed and we resumed our waiting until the later hours of the night, and eventually, us four girls made our way home. I remember praying and praying, pleading with God, "God, please let him be all right, please fix him up, and heal his body."

When I was little, Adam was just another big brother to me. We'd bury each other in the sand, play hide-and-seek, watch movies on rainy days. When I think back to being a little girl, it's him
and my older brother Tyler who pop into my mind as my friends and playmates. Adam and I would always make fun of each other; with a few moments of physical abuse here and there (memories of getting slammed into lockers at school come to mind). The other day while I was watching Gilmore Girls, and Chris called Lorelai "Lore", I couldn't help but wonder, "Why do so few people call me Laur? I like it!" and then I remembered that Adam always called me "Laur". In fact, when I think of him, and think of his voice, it's always been automatically (in these past two years) of him calling me "Laur". And of course, his somewhat *cough* obnoxious laugh ;)

On the next morning after our visit to the hospital, my mom came in very early, all dressed and smelling of perfume and said that she and my dad were going to drive down to the hospital, because Adam wasn't going to make it. I remember crying and hugging her, and saying "I prayed so hard, Mom, that he would be okay."

The rest of the morning was spent with me dozing on the couch, watching TV with my little brother and sister, and my heart stopping each and every time the phone rang. Alas, in the early afternoon, I got the phone call, and I remember trying to stay calm and chill, since I didn't want to have to be the one giving the news to my little brother and sister.

When my parents got home, I couldn't help but break down a bit, and my little siblings didn't understand. They kept on asking why I was crying, why my Aunt Deb would be crying...and I remember thinking what a blessing it is to be a child, and to see only that Adam was up in Heaven with Jesus now.

The following week was one that I believe will remain etched in my memory for quite some time: little moments here and there filled with sorrow, others with laughter, others with remembrance of childhood. It was a week surrounded with pictures of a blonde (or bronde) curly-haired young man with a great big smile that reached his expressive brown eyes; it was a week of discussing memories on occasion: such as how the Easter before, Adam had found all of his Easter eggs (we have a family egg hunt), took the candy out, and then rehid the eggs! Typical, typical ;)

It was amazing to see just how many lives my cousin touched, and just how many people were affected by his life. And it's still amazing to see the lives he's touching today.
My Aunt Deb and Uncle Dennis chose to donate Adam's organs, and as says a newscast from today, Adam "still has a big heart, except it now beats for someone else: a 26 year old wife and mother who was the recipient." Isn't that simply amazing?? My Uncle Dennis says that he hopes to meet this woman some day, and that she allows him to use a stethoscope and listen to Adam's heart; that that would be fantastic...I think it would be such a beautiful thing.

I remember on the 4th of July, just a few days after he passed away, as I sat and watched the fireworks with my family, I found myself thinking "Adam's never gonna get to see fireworks again...", but that thought was immediately replaced with a grin when I thought of what my cousin was seeing on that day, and has seen every day since. You see, my big brother knew the Truth...and is walking with Him now on streets paved with gold. And I know we'll see him again someday. We'll be walking those streets with him!

So here's to my big brother: The one with the vibrant smile and the cocky attitude ;) The one who told us to "live life with no regrets". The one who did the most random things ;) His are footprints on our hearts that we won't soon forget!

He's made his way to Aslan's country... :)

"All the adventures we have ever had will end up being only the cover & the title page; finally we will begin Chapter 1 of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read; which goes on forever; in which every chapter is better than the one before."
-CS Lewis

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Every now and then I get a little bit tired...

~I want to go there. All by myself. And just think. Relax.

~Repeats over and over: God has the perfect guy for me, God has the perfect guy for me....
It'd be so awesome to know who he is. Then you wouldn't have to stress over any other guys...and the little things that they say or do that hurt you, maybe wouldn't hurt so much. Maybe you wouldn't even care, and you'd think "Pfft! Why should I care what he's doing, or what he thinks?" Oh, if only, if only...

~I really need to finish my schoolwork. I have no ambition. Ay ay ay.

~If I were Rose, I would've just let myself fall asleep, while holding Jack's hand in the end. Morbid, I know. But that's why it's good I'm not her, I suppose.

~I'm going to go upstairs now, climb into my cozy warm bed, and fall asleep while holding my Coca-Cola can pillow, and attempting to think joyful thoughts. Hopefully, I'll make it through the night with no scary dreams of spiders or getting stranded (that was a lovely dream I had last night) and wake up in the morning in a better, more positive mood. Granted, I'll not have dilated eyes anymore (I went to the eye doctor today), and thus light won't be bothering me so much and giving me a seemingly neverending headache (very inconvenient).
