Friday, June 17, 2011

Sayonara! (with music!)

So tomorrow is the day that I leave for the Dominican Republic!! Eeep! It's crazy...I feel like we just found out about the trip, when really we found out months and months ago! It's come up so fast!
All my packing is finally finished, and now all that's left to do is wait until 8 o'clock tomorrow night! That's when we go to the church, sleep on the pews (YES!!!) until 3 in the morning, and then we hop out of "bed", into a bus, and us girls on the trip will make our way to Pittsburgh where we leave at 7:15 for the Dominican Republic!
I'm a tiny bit nervous (I've never been farther than South Carolina :P), but mostly so excited because I already feel that this trip is going to be amazing. I can't wait to get there, to meet the Dominican people (especially children) and get to know them and love them!
I can't wait to see what God's going to do with this trip...but I really believe that there's something we'll each learn and take from this trip. ;)
So yeah, I'll be gone for a week, and eventually I'll be back to blogging. So adios, amigos!
Oh but wait! I leave you with this playlist of my current favorite songs:

This last song never ever gets old.

Bubbye now, dear followers. Mwahhh.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Sweetie Award!

So Raquel AND Miranda both awarded me "the sweetie award"! Those two are just the sweetest things ;) Plus, this is maybe the cutest award I've ever gotten :D

What's your favorite sweet thing to eat {or drink}?:
Cookie dough blizzards!! Yummmmm :D

Have you ever dreamed that Candyland was a real place?
No....but now I'm thinking about it...ohmygosh, that would be so cool! Like a real life Willy Wonka...

If there was a flavored brand of bubbles, what flavor would you get?
Root beer!

Have you ever been kicked out of a bakery for smelling everything?
No...does that really happen to people?

What's your favorite tea flavor?
I don't drink tea. Ick!

Strawberry or Red Velvet?
Red velvet, I suppose :)

Have you ever poured a jar of sprinkles into your mouth?
Yeah, like Raquel, not a whole jar, haha. But maybe a few...;)

Admit it: you've eaten icing straight of the jar. Yes or no?
Um, absolutely!!!

Have you ever drooled while watching a cooking show?
Naaa. I don't drool.

I now award:
Monica at Fearless

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

grumble, grumble, grumble

~Sometimes, it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut, my opinions to myself.
(And then I feel like Michael Scott)

~Why yes, yes we are.

~I've started transitioning myself into drinking Diet Pepsi. I'm at the point where it's starting to taste like real Pepsi. Boo yah.
I'll still probably get cancer from drinking it though. Yips.
On a side note, I almost, almost wish it were cold here.

~While I was completely traumatized by Water for Elephants, I find myself almost desperately wanting to see it again. Which probably wouldn't be good, since it put myself and Emily into weird, funky, depressed moods for the rest of the day. Huh.

Except, Sailor Moon, that I haven't gained weight. I've lost weight. How did I even fit into this dress in the first place??
~I need to start jogging. Like, every day. Otherwise, I won't be able to breathe throughout my cousin's wedding day; Oh, the dress fits, it fits! It looks lovely. It's just that now I have a vague idea of what it must feel like to wear a corset. Ugh, I feel claustrophobic just thinking about it.

~Blogger honesty moment: it's kindof discouraging when you go from averaging 11 or 12 comments per post down to 2, and 3. While your follower count is going up. It's like, when I had a third of the followers I have now, I had more comments. It's odd. And like I said, discouraging. Not that comments are everything. But they help you know you're not just talking to yourself, you know?
Whatever. I quit.
No, no, I don't really. I'm just feeling grumpy.

~Don't you ever just want to get swept away by Prince Charming to a beautiful castle somewhere far far away, where all of your problems in life will be instantly solved?
Well, in the words of Taylor Swift, "I'm not a princess", and "this ain't a fairytale."

I'm irritable today.
I'm going to bed now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Water for Elephants: a short and vague review :|

Just finished watching Water For Elephants….

my feelings:



I left the theater in hysterics. Okay, while still in the theater, I got a bit hysterical.

First of all, after the movie ended, I just sat there, stunned. Then, I looked over at Emily, who was with me, and began laughing. Ridiculously. Like, the kind of laughter that doesn't even make any sound at all because you can't breathe. But then, amidst the laughter, I started sobbing! Then I'd go back to laughing, then back to was an intense moment. And kindof awkward, since I was still in the movie theater. But I was surrounded by women, so I think they got me ;) It was definitely awkward walking out though, considering my issues had not yet been resolved...*cough*

Oh, yeah, the laughter wasn't because the movie was funny. It was because the movie was so traumatizing...and I'm the kind of person who, when something is just so horrible, and I have no other way to react, I'll laugh. It can be inconvenient at times.

Anyways, overall, the movie pulls you in so much that what happens to the characters greatly effects your momentary sanity (or at least mine). In other words, this is an artsy movie. That doesn't mean it's necessarily good. Well made, absolutely. The acting was lovely. But this is not a movie I would see again. There were too many moments that made me cringe (for several different reasons)...and when I left the theater, I felt like I needed to jump off of a bridge.

So positive, eh?

On a side note, Rob Pattinson's pretty awesome when he's not Edward Cullen ;)

Words of loveliness...savvy?

His name is Antonio, and he is the kitty of wisdom.

"She found herself doing silly things...singing love songs in the dark, reading poems that made her cry. She cut her hair too short, bought herself a keychain shaped like a heart and watched Casablanca at two o'clock in the morning.
She was in love for the first time in her life."
-Billie Letts (Where the Heart is)


"It's a full moon here tonight, which makes me think of you. Because I know that no matter what I'm doing, no matter where I am, this moon will always be the same size as yours - half a world away."
-Dear John


"But it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."
-Alice in Wonderland


"You guys are like chicken soup for my soul."
-my aunt Abby. Hehehe!


Jim: Dwight, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Dwight: I can travel anywhere, except Cuba, and I will travel to New Zealand and walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor and I will hike Mount Doom.


"She [Rory] came in here and told Lane she kissed a boy in the grocery store. The grocery store! Where we buy our food!"
-Mrs. Kim (Gilmore Girls)


"It's just that my life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes now'. That's a sentence I read once, and I say it over to comfort myself in these times that try the soul."
-Anne Shirley

Is it weird that every time I watch Inception, I just want to hug our dog? *giggles at the thought* But really!

I really love quotes. A lot. Thus, I shared some ;D

On a side note, today I bought the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. >:)
I've listened to this song...
at least 2o times, as it's been on repeat since I started this post a looong time ago.
I feel so...powerful! Like I want to sword fight, or jump off of...the top of a car or something! Oooh no, jump off of a boat, that's more appropriate!
I want to see the 4th movie sooo bad. But I know like, 3 people who have actually seen the first 3. Sooo....Yeah, I'm not going to the movies by myself. I don't like that.
So I guess I'll have to wait till it comes out. And I'll have to rent it...but at least then I'll have closed captions for guidance! ;D

So until later, "Drink up me hearties, yo ho!!"
But uh, drink some water, or Pepsi or something. Ya know ;)

{I hope I have wicked sweet dreams of Jack Sparrow, considering this song is going to be neverendingly stuck in my head...:D}

Thursday, June 2, 2011

We all have quirks.

And I'm a very quirky person, if I may say so myself. For example...

Today, I met the bookstore's district manager. And you know what I said after our initial "hello"s? "You're very tall!"
To which he responded first with silence, and then, "uh... yeah, some days..."
I felt so ridiculous.

Last night, I went to bed wearing fuzzy slippers, fuzzy long pants, and a sweatshirt. When it was quite hot out. But my air conditioning was on, and I was too cold...there's just no middle here!

Tonight, I took a half a mile detour just to avoid hitting potholes on the way home. I hate potholes.
Also, that picture has nothing to do with potholes; it just made me all giggly (heheehe!)

Then, I sat in the driveway belting out a Taylor Swift song; I got out of the car feeling a lot of anger towards Joe Jonas.

Oh, and I can't forget how this one random song came on, and I dramatically yelled "It's our song!!" (whose? I've no clue), and then said, "Oh, Benny, Benny boo!", quoting How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
PS: "Oh no. Our love fern. It's dead. Are you going to let us die??"

Oh, wait wait wait! The biggest moment of my day! I hit this unnaturally large rock in our driveway, and now a nice chunk of paint has been transferred from Mr. Frederickson (I embellished the name of the car) to the ginormous evil rock. The thing is though, it's near impossible to hit this thing. No joke.
I have done the impossible!! :D :D :D :/
(by the way, that cat is like, amazing. whoa.)

So friends, the next time you're feeling all alone in the world in your own sillyness and ridiculousness, think of me (the girl who quotes stuff. to herself.), and know that I'm right here with ya! :D

Oh yeah. I'm back from my blogging hiatus. Booo yah.

Oooooh also! I have a tumblr now! I finally gave in :) Sooo if you're on tumblr, come be amigos with me! :D

Buenas noches, chickadees! :)